Light Vehicle Process

The End-point Assessments tests your knowledge, skills and behaviours gained during your training. It includes two Knowledge Tests, a Skills Test and a Professional Discussion and it can start as soon as you have finished all of your training and the EPA Gateway requirements have been met.

Assessments should be taken in the order shown, however, with your employers permission, they can be taken in any order. You will be able to have one attempt at each component. Should you fail any of the components, you can retake them only when all components have been attempted, and a Fail grade has been recorded.

Your employer, supported by your training provider, will arrange your training as you develop your skills in the workplace. You must spend at least 20% of your normal working hours (6 hours per week) on off-the-job training.

The training and support given will vary between employers and training providers but could include: knowledge and practical training in a training centre or online; collection of evidence; and support with English and Maths.

Your training provider will carry out assessments and monitor your progress throughout your training, but none of this will go towards your final grade.

During the last six months of training you will need to build a portfolio of evidence:

  • A service or inspection where faults have been found
  • Four repairs, from different systems, that involve complex diagnosis and repair
  • Evidence of meeting the behaviours outlined in the Standard.

Normally this will be 5 well-written job cards and completion of a Behaviour Log. Again, none of this will go towards your final grade, but it will be used as a basis for the conversation during your Professional Discussion.


Complete the Behaviour Log and identify evidence of one service/inspection and four diagnose and repair jobs to give to your trainer for submission at the End-point Assessment Gateway.

Keep copies of these ready for when you take your Professional Discussion.

Your employer will confirm that you are ready to take the End-point Assessment and complete a Declaration and Consent form, which also needs signing by yourself and the training provider.

Your training provider will submit your Portfolio and copies of your English, Maths and F-Gas certificates to Autoexel. Autoexel will check that they meet the requirements and approve you for the End-point Assessment.

This marks the end of your training and the beginning of your End-point Assessment. You have six months to achieve an overall Pass grade, otherwise the entire EPA must be retaken.


Check that your training provider has your current email address and phone number, so that Autoexel can notify you of upcoming assessments.

Sign the Declaration and Consent form.

Make every effort to achieve an overall Pass grade within the six-month window.

There are two Knowledge Tests:

  • Test 1 lasts 45 minutes and has 40 questions covering knowledge learnt during the first two years of apprenticeship.
  • Test 2 lasts 75 minutes and has 60 questions covering knowledge learnt during the last year of apprenticeship.

The Knowledge Tests can be taken either at your training centre or remotely at any suitable location using a web link and camera.


  • 65% or less = Fail
  • 65% – 85% = Pass
  • 85% or above = Distinction

Autoexel have practice tests available which can be completed at any time and on completion of any of the tests you can download a Coaching Report, which shows your score for each topic.


Talk to your trainer and find out whether you are doing your Knowledge Tests in the training centre or remotely.

  • If you are doing them in the training centre >> Find out when
  • If you are doing them remotely >> Follow the online instruction to book the tests

Your Trainer will arrange your Skills Test. There will be 4–6 diagnose and repair tasks to complete over two consecutive days. Each task will follow the repair processes carried out in the workplace. Given the task, you will be expected to:

  • Ask questions to determine the exact fault.
  • Explain any health and safety risks involved in the particular system.
  • Carry out inspection, tests and measurements as appropriate to identify the repairs that need carrying out.
  • Obtain relevant data.
  • Present verbally what is involved with the repair and list the replacement parts involved.
  • Obtain repair procedures.
  • Carry out the repair.
  • Present the repaired vehicle and explain further action that may be required following on from the repair.
  • Complete a job card.

At the end of each task you will be asked 5 questions relevant to the task.

By prior arrangement with Autoexel, you may bring your own diagnostic tools for use during the assessment. You will be responsible for calibration, maintenance and security of your tools.

Your assessor will grade you on your overall performance over the two days. You can achieve a Fail, Pass or Distinction in the Skills Test.


Talk to your trainer to arrange a suitable date for the Skills Test.

The Professional Discussion will last approximately 1 hour and will be in two parts.

Part 1 will determine how well you achieved the four behaviour elements:

  • Working Together & Building Trust
  • Customer Experience & Communication
  • Making it Happen & Commercial Awareness
  • Learn to Learn & Striving for Excellence.

Your assessor will use your Behaviour Logbook as a basis for Part 1.

Part 2 will determine your knowledge and understanding involved in carrying vehicle inspections, diagnostics and repairs. Your assessor will use your logbook evidence submitted for the service/inspection and one of the four diagnosis and repair jobs. They will explore:

  • The fault presented
  • Health, safety and legal implications
  • Knowledge and understanding of the system(s) involved
  • Possible actions you could have chosen
  • Strengths and weaknesses of each action
  • Diagnostic and repair actions they carried out and why.

You can achieve a Fail, Pass or Distinction in the Professional Discussion.


Read through the evidence submitted in your portfolio to ensure that you are familiar with the systems involved and how they work.

Talk to your trainer to arrange a suitable date for the Professional Discussion.

You will receive your results of the Knowledge Tests at the end of the test and the results of the Skills Test and Professional Discussion will be emailed to you within 21 days.

When all three assessment methods have been completed you will receive an overall grade, which will be determined by collective performance in the three assessment methods: Knowledge Tests, Skills Test and Professional Discussion.

If you fail any of the methods you will receive a Fail overall grade. You will achieve a Pass if you achieve a Pass in all three methods and to achieve an overall Distinction you will need to achieve a Distinction in all three methods.

If you feel that the assessment has not been carried out correctly, then you have 31 days to submit an appeal.


If you do not receive your results within 21 days, contact

Your employer will need to agree that a retake is an appropriate course of action and you should receive a supportive action plan to prepare for the retake.

Retakes must be taken no less than 1 week after the original test. There is no limit on the number of retakes allowed, however they must be taken within 6 months from the EPA Gateway, otherwise the entire EPA must be retaken.

The maximum grade awarded to a retake will be a Pass.


Talk to your employer to determine the best course of action.

When you are ready to do the retake, arrange with your training provider for a Retake Form to be submitted to ACE360.

We will apply for your certificate 31 days after you have been awarded your overall grade. Unless requested otherwise, the certificate will be delivered to your employer.


Weekly, ask your employer if they have received your certificate.

If you have not received your certificate within six weeks, contact

For further information regarding the apprenticeship standard and assessment plan, including the full details of the assessment methods, please see the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education website.